I'll tell you what we've lost, the sense that the citizens of this nation own their own country. Perhaps that feeling of disconnection dates back to our membership of the European Union, and the idea that there are wider forces, a greater authority, that rules over us and determines our destiny. It was certainly a desire to control the borders, restore sovereignty and “get our country back” that led to Brexit. It was the people flexing their muscles and reminding Brussels bureaucrats who the real proprietors of this project actually are – you and me.
Whilst I detest nationalism, which says that one country is better than another, which is divisive and often leads to war, nationhood is a precious thing. Nationhood is about a community, based around shared values, history and experience. But you can't have nationhood without a nation, and this precious idea has been chipped away at in recent years, with the globalist project of vast legal and illegal immigration. Britain has always been a glorious melting pot, and a sensible inflow of people who adapt to the British way of life has been our story so far. Britain is an island geographically, but – through history - one populated from across the planet.
But the scale and rate of change in recent years, has effectively been the theft of a country from its own people. How immeasurably thick do you have to be to not understand that legal net migration of almost a million people in a SINGLE YEAR – that's more than the city of Leeds or Liverpool - is going to impact our infrastructure, our public services and the welfare bill, not to mention a crisis of integration that is inevitable with such numbers. The corporate, political and media elite haven't allowed us to talk about these things until now, because that would be “far right” or something. But the challenges posed by this effective open borders policy are there for all to see. Migrant hotels, which decimate small towns, cost £8 million a day, or £3 billion a year. And that's a drop in the ocean compared to the cost to the nation when the majority of these folks inevitably fall dependent on the state.
I'm working on a Mark Dolan Show exclusive at the moment, with a top lawyer in the North West telling me that individuals responsible for some of the worst crimes imaginable, are now given the opportunity in court to have their charges translated into their own language at huge expense to the British taxpayers. At any given time, this legal insider tells me that lawyers are working with up to 27 other languages. And this is to accommodate people who have done bad things to British citizens. The taxpayer pays for an interpreter for every hearing, and many of the suspects can speak English perfectly before the trial, but as soon as they go to court, they suddenly cannot speak English at all and need an interpreter. I wonder why that would be…
All hearings have to be conducted in their own language; this as well as legal aid is a huge cost to you and me. No matter how many repeated crimes are committed, I’m told they continue to receive this legal aid, and cases are often delayed because an interpreter doesn't turn up. My contact tells me the system is basically financially and morally bankrupt. We know about multiple translation services in the NHS as well, which cost a fortune, when what we really need is a few more doctors and nurses. I welcome immigration. I’m the son of immigrants myself. A number of sectors would fall over overnight without fabulous people coming to the UK and making a huge contribution, as I like to think my parents did in the 60s, not to mention the Windrush generation, without whom the NHS would not be what it is today.
So sensible, manageable numbers are not just acceptable but welcome, particularly if you have skills to offer to the country. But I've got three rules: you have to work, you have to follow the laws of this country and you have to speak the language. Why is that even controversial in this clown world of 2025? Now there are plenty of Brits who commit awful crimes and they must be apprehended – in fact statistically they are the majority, obviously. But the link, as pointed out by Professor Matthew Goodwin on his Substack, between immigration, lack of integration and violence is there for all to see, not least the horrific triple murder of three little girls in Southport, with the heartless monster Axel Rudakubana being sentenced this week for his horrific crimes. The authorities spun a warm tale that he was a cute Welsh choir boy, but in fact was a dangerous psychopath who had been making poisonous bio weapons at home, and was in possession of an Al Qaeda training guide. Doesn't sound much like a Welsh choir boy to me.
His parents came to the UK as immigrants from war-torn Rwanda. Now obviously they have not committed this crime, but peoples’ family background is now a matter of national security, whether woke journalists or politicians like it or not. A case in point is the lone Afghan knifeman in Bavaria this week, killing a two year old toddler and 41 year old man, injuring two others. The location? A kindergarten group in the park. It's no accident that these thugs go for our children, because they want to take that which is most precious from us. And these monsters target a Taylor Swift dance class, an Ariana Grande concert, a satirical magazine in Paris and Christmas markets. These are all things that represent western traditions, the western lifestyle. And we have imported folk that hate all of it. It's a conversation we are now allowed to have and need to have.
And for the Home Secretary Yvette Cooper to focus on how Rudakubana managed to buy a knife is misdirection and obfuscation so bad as to be wicked. Calling this monster “The Amazon Killer”, because that's where he bought his knives, is gaslighting his victims and making absolute mugs of the rest of us. Well, we're not going to put up with it any more. The truth will always find its way through, like water through a leaky roof. Like the fact that London, our great capital city, which is turning into a lawless hellhole, is now home to half a million illegal immigrants – one in 12 of the London population. With a new estimate suggesting more than 1 million people are living illegally across the whole of the UK, having either entered the country illegally or outstayed their visa. And various governments, of all political persuasions, have allowed this to happen. What do we pay our taxes for, if not to protect the integrity of our borders, the integrity of our community, the integrity of our nation.
Drastic and radical change is needed now. But won't get it under this woke Labour government and a former human rights lawyer Prime Minister who barely seems to believe in borders at all. Whoever replaces Labour in four years time will be responsible for the biggest single policy shift in 100 years. And it can't come too soon.
Immigration at the right pace is a public good, it is the story of these islands. But it must be legal, orderly and come bound with duties and responsibilities. A life in Britain is a huge privilege and not a blank cheque.
Britain belongs to the British people, a fact lost on those who govern us.
Mark great work as usual.
Starmer and his goons will obfuscate, deflect and lie rather than let the good sensible, reasonable, hard working people of this great country know the truth that they are owned by the Muslims that vote for them.
God bless the families of the 3 little girls and the other 10 that he tried to murder and damn the cowardly elite to hell.
There has always been crime, the mafia, gangs, etc., in the UK but violent crime has increased so so much because some of the immigrants who have come are from countries which are incompatible with western culture, or where law and order is chaotic or simply run by propaganda extremists and their insane culture which seems to travel around countries causing damage like an unstopable plague.
I am from the UK, my parents were born in the UK but my grandparents were immigrants from Europe who were fleeing their country of origin from Nazi extremist ideology. Here in Israel there are thousands of savages roaming around like the monster who was charged today for the senseless murders in Southport.
Hate of Jews has always been around but
this ideology has hit Britain with a vengence, the rats came out of the sewers of the UK after the 7th October massacre. These poisoness rats are one of the same that are here, and are intolerant of all who do not follow their sick agenda and dictating to their host country. These barbarians now also roam the streets of Britain looking for prey, Jews or otherwise. It seems strange that mass immigration from such lawless countries has been allowed to fester and grow as it is obvious from history that such radical ideas are not compatible with normal western culture. Again and again history repeats itself with its devastating consequences.
Yes, the elites, did give away Britain.
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